Monday, November 26, 2012

This and That

I've taken a bunch of random pictures over the last couple weeks so here is what we have been up to.
First of all we have started having family game night once a week. It is so fun (even though it's either Candyland or Chutes and Ladders) and we always have a yummy treat. Last week it was ice cream cookie sandwiches with homemade chocolate chip cookies. Yummm

One of our friends got a suite at the Jazz game and a bunch of us went. We even took the kids since it was a suite. Super fun time, we haven't been to a Jazz game in forever.

Poor Ailee got her head cut off. I love my friends!

An elf came to live with us, we named him Buddy. I know probably every other elf on the shelf out there is named Buddy but that is what Wes wanted. He has done some silly things and shown up in some silly places.

getting his shave on

drinking some hot chocolate

Thanksgiving this year was very uneventful. It was actually a pretty boring day, but that's ok I was thankful Josh was home to spend time with us the whole weekend.
we did go bowling on Thanksgiving before dinner. I actually didn't take any pictures of our dinner. Josh's parents came over to eat, the food was pretty yummy.

Natty bug was asleep while we all ate, so this is her eating by herself. Turkey and corn casserole were her favorites.

playing at Artic Circle

and getting our Christmas tree, Natalie was asleep until the chain saw woke her up...

she was not happy about that.

My little cuties!

and this has pretty much been my life since we put the tree up.  "no natty, no no. hey no no. Natalie NO. NO touching" etc etc etc.

And here is our tree. I absolutely love it, I love all the colors and all the different ornaments. I love getting out all my ornaments and remembering where I got them and the story behind them. It is such a meaningful thing for us.

Here are a couple more pictures that I thought were cute.

I hope everyone has a good week!
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Christmas Lights and a Date

On Friday night we went as a family (even though Josh isn't in any pics) to Riverwoods for the lighting of their lights. It is one of the most beautiful places to look at lights, but I would not recommend going on the first night. There were about 35 million people there. We did get a waffle out of the deal though!!


see, Waffle Love, me and Wes' favorite

Then on Saturday Wes and I went on a date (please excuse how disgusting I look). First we saw Wreck It Ralph

Then got pizza at Pier 49

Then cookies at Smart Cookie. Yes we did a lot of eating, but who cares it was yummy. I also wanted to just keep hanging out with Wes. He's pretty funny

On a separate not, Natalie got a new coat. How freaking cute is this!
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Friday, November 16, 2012

My cuties

I keep forgetting to post this picture. Natalie was having a hard time going down for a nap one day so I brought her out to sit with Wes. She cuddled up to him and fell asleep. She really does love him so much, even though he tackles her, scares her, carries her around, drops her and basically treats her like a doll.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

9 months

Our little Natty Bug is 9 months today! She had her doctors appointment here are her stats:
16.84lb  27th percentile
25.5 in  1st percentile
Yep that says 1st percentile, I don't think they measured her right because I don't look at her and think she is a shrimp, but maybe she will be just like her Nanny :)

Natty has 2 teeth and is crawling and pulling up on EVERYTHING. She loves her brother so much and I think she prefers Josh to me. She is still so happy and content. I love this little bug and I love watching her grow.
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Saturday, November 10, 2012

blogging break

So after my 10 day blogging break I am back :)
Today was Josh's birthday and we had a great time celebrating. We started the day off with presents, he got tubberware from me (it's a long story) and a bean bag toss game from Wes. Then we went sledding. It was so fun and was so beautiful out. I hate snow as much as the next girl from the south, but I really don't mind it before Christmas. So we took advantage. We went to Josh's parents for a little while then came home for cake. Happy Birthday Joshy!

sledding with dada

I just thought this picture was pretty

he could not have had more fun


it was freezing, but of course she was happy as could be. Wes even took her down the hill once and they totally flipped. She didn't even make a peep she just got up with a face full of snow smiling. I wish I would have gotten a picture

see, it's beautiful

We babysat Gracie and Ellie all day yesterday and it snowed all day so we had to get creative with things to do. They did go outside for a bit right when it started. They were way excited.

we took all the blankets and pillows and threw them on the living room floor for them to jump on. We also watched Christmas movies and drank hot chocolate, well actually it was marshmallows with a little hot chocolate.

I hope everyone has also had a fun weekend
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Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Grand Finale

We started out Halloween day with a breakfast fit for a ghoul (or a superhero). Halloween colored pancakes. Who knew that putting food coloring in pancakes would makes Wes eat his breakfast.

Then we went to Jump on It dressed as Spiderman (no picture) after that we went and decorated Josh's car with spiderwebs. He parks at the bus stop so it's right by our house.

Trick-or treating on Main St. This was so fun all the businesses on Main St. in AF gave out candy and there were tons of kids trick-or-treating. This is our group (check out the headless unicorn on the left hahaha)

Natalie wasn't very happy by the end so I gave her a sucker. I know I'm mom of the year giving my 8 month old a sucker. She sure was happy after that though.

We finished the night  trick-or-treating at the Kimbers, our Halloween tradition. We have gone there every year since Wes' first Halloween.

It has been such a fun Halloween month, and we are sad it's over. I just love being able to do all these fun things with my kids and seeing them enjoy it.
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