I can't believe that Natalie is already 2 weeks old, time is going by too fast. Today she had her 2 week doctors appointment and she has gained 1 pound and grew 2 1/2 inches. She is such an awesome baby she sleeps pretty much through the night, just waking up once around 4 am to eat then going back to sleep until about 9. She rarely cries and eats like a champ (obviously, look at those cheeks). Wes is so cute with her and wants to give her kisses and talks to her all the time and if she is ever fussy all he has to do is talk to her and she just stops to stare at him. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last 2 weeks.
My parents came a couple days before Natalie was born to help out. My dad stayed a week and my mom stayed 2. It was great having them around especially to do things with Wes so he didn't feel left out. Wes loves his Nanny and Pap and probably could have had them around for another 2 weeks.
This is Natalie's BFF Ellie, she was born exactly 2 weeks earlier.
Daddy's little girl! I love seeing Josh with her, he is so different than how he was with Wes.
Josh wants to take Wes skiing this year so he went out last weekend and bought him a helmet. The inside lining can be taken out so he can also use it in the summer as a bike helmet. How freakin' cute is this kid!!